Our next speaker for the event is one of the UK’s most experienced Salesforce consultants- Phil Walton! Phil is a 5x MVP, an expert in implementing Salesforce.com and an active baldforce member! A well-known face around the Salesforce Community, he is the CEO of Cloud Galacticos, a UK based team of super-experienced Salesforce experts. He is a regular blogger https://www.cloudgalacticos.co.uk/blog/ and is famous for his weekly Salesforce tips!
For the amazing job he does as an all-round Salesforce evangelist, Phil was ranked the 6th Most Influential Person by GetLittleBird.com at Dreamforce 2015. He is celebrating his 15th year in the Salesforce eco-system. He also leads the Salesforce User Groups in North England and London. We are honoured to have him onboard as a speaker at our event! Mark your calendars to experience an amazing session with him!