Are you all ready for the world’s largest Salesforce community-driven conference, India Dreamin? The second season of this global event is taking place on the 1st and 2nd of December at the G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management (GLBITM), Noida. It will be a great platform for learning, sharing and socializing. Not to forget that we have awe-inspiring keynote and star speakers sharing their knowledge and motivation. To add to all this excitement, NPSP Day is introduced for the first time in India by India Dreamin and led by CEO of Soapbox Engage and NPSP evangelist Ryan Ozimek. Huge shoutout to Ryan for making this possible!
We have an action-packed agenda for NPSP day and the sessions are going to be a different experience for all out there. Here’s a sneak peek at whats in store for attendees:
- What is the NPSP, and how are non-profit organizations using it for success?
- Examples of how non-profits are using the NPSP
- How to help a non-profit implement the NPSP
- Introduction of non-profit sponsors
- Introduction of non-profit partners
- Resources for success (Power of Us Hub, GitHub, etc)
- Developing solutions for the NPSP, integrating with the NPSP
- Award the #NotForProfitHackathon winners
If you are prospective or current Salesforce users, administrators, developers, nonprofit executives, consultants or supporters, make sure you mark your calendars for these sessions and join us.
We thank all our partners and community leaders who have made this addition to the India Dreamin agenda possible. See you all in Noida in December.